Author Archives: Howard Small

M.T. Tom Grant GY677

Technical and historical information needed about this vessel. Please contact


Official Number: 303287
Yard Number: 276
IMO: 5364061
Completed: 1959
Length: 116.3 ft (35.45m)
Breadth: 25 ft (7.62m)
Depth: 12.5 ft (3.81m)
Built: Brooke Marine Ltd, Lowestoft
Engine: 4-cyl 780bhp oil engine by Mirrlees, Bickerton & Day, Stockport


02.1962: Completed by Brooke Marine Ltd, Lowestoft (Yd.No.276) for Stirling Fishing Co Ltd, London a subsidiary of E. Bacon & Co Ltd, Grimsby. Registered at Grimsby (GY677).
10.1964: Sold to Craig Stores Ltd, Aberdeen, registered at Aberdeen (A760).
1967: Exchanged for LOCARNO and re-registered at Grimsby (GY1392), in the ownership of the Bacon subsidiary, Lindsey Steam Fishing Co Ltd, Grimsby.
02.07.1977: Sk. Andrew Wraith passed away in Scartho Rd. Hospital.
1981 Sold to Kuwait owners, but whilst on Tyneside converting the deal fell through. Later sold to Charles Macbride, Kilkeel and registered at Newry as ATLANTIS (N400).
Post 1981: Converted to a stern trawler. Bought by Crosskeen Ltd (Anglo-Spanish), Fleetwood but appears to have been laid up as ATLANTIS M (no official registry recorded) at Fleetwood from 1987.

Notes: LONGSET. She was completed in 01.1959 by J. S. Doig Ltd at Grimsby for E. Bacon & Co’s Lindsey Steam Fishing Co Ltd as LONGSET. Registered at Grimsby in 01.1959 as (GY554). She was an unlucky ship and following a serious fire onboard in which one man died she was renamed LOCARNO (GY554) in 04.1965. There was no improvement in her fortunes and in 04.1967 she was exchanged for TOM GRANT (A760). LOCARNO was re-registered (A850) and TOM GRANT became (GY1392) in the ownership of the Bacon subsidiary, Lindsey Steam Fishing Co Ltd, Grimsby. TOM GRANT was ‘sold’ in 1981 to Kuwait owners, but whilst on Tyneside converting the deal fell through and she was later sold to Charles Macbride, Kilkeel and registered at Newry as ATLANTIS (N400). Converted to a stern trawler in the 1980s she was bought by Crosskeen Ltd (Anglo-Spanish), Fleetwood but appears to have been laid up as ATLANTIS M (no official registry recorded) at Fleetwood at least from 1987.

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M.T. Tom Grant GY677

M.T. Tom Grant GY677
Picture from the Internet

M.T. Tom Grant GY677

M.T. Tom Grant GY677
Picture from the Internet

M.T. Tom Grant GY677

M.T. Tom Grant GY677
Picture courtesy of Andrea Wraith

Sk. Andrew Wraith

Sk. Andrew Wraith
Picture courtesy of Andrea Wraith

26/07/2019: Page published.
02/09/2020: Updated history and added an image.

M.T. Anne Mary B FD536

Technical and historical information needed about this vessel. Please contact

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M.T. Anne Mary B FD536

M.T. Anne Mary B FD536
Picture from the Internet

M.T. Anne Mary B FD536

M.T. Anne Mary B FD536
Picture from the Internet

M.T. Anne Mary B FD536

M.T. Anne Mary B FD536
Picture from the Internet

M.T. Anne Mary B FD536

M.T. Anne Mary B FD536
Picture from the Internet

22/07/2019: Page published.

F.V. Anne Thierry FD540

Technical and historical information needed about this vessel. Please contact
Additional information courtesy of John Worthington


Official Number: 390454
Gross Tonnage: 48.99
Net Tonnage: 33.13
Length: 16.46 m
Breadth: 5.87 m
Depth: 2.67 m
Engine: 450hp/336kW oil engine by Moteurs Baudouin, Cassis, France


1974: Built in France.
1994: owned by Guernsey Fishermens’ Trading Co Ltd, Guernsey Fishermens’ Trading Co Ltd, Guernsey and operating as a Vivier shellfish carrier.

Undated: Refurbished and refitted for whelking/shellfish role by
Nobles at Girvan.

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M.V. Anne Thiery GU1

M.V. Anne Thierry GU1
Picture from the Internet

M.F.V. Anne Thierry FD540

M.F.V. Anne Thierry FD540
Picture courtesy of The John Worthington Collection

M.F.V. Anne Thierry FD540

M.F.V. Anne Thierry FD540
Picture courtesy of The John Worthington Collection

M.T. Anne Thierry FD540

M.T. Anne Thierry FD540
Picture courtesy of Michael Cullum

17/06/2019: Page published.
10/08/2019: Added picture and information.
11/04/2023: Added an image.

mfv Dawn Maid BA249

Technical and historical information needed about this vessel. Please contact

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mfv Dawn Maid BA249

mfv Dawn Maid BA249
Picture courtesy of The John Worthington Collection

23/03/2019: Page published.

M.T. Boy Jamie – FD224

Additional information courtesy of Dick Massey


Official Number: A14902
Length: 15.25m
Breadth: 4.82m
Depth: 2.03m
Gross Tonnage: 31.36
Callsign: ZQUV
Engine: 214hp Baudouin
Built: Den Hem Zaandam (1st cutter shipyard Haak) 1954


1954: Built as as UK90 “GEERTJE” for F. Miller, Urk, built with a 100 HP Mercedes Benz.
1955: New 105 HP MWM engine fitted.
1964: Registered owner H. Miller Urk.
1965: Registered as “ELISABETH” (WON24) Gebr. Albert and Andries Koornstra Makkum.
1969: Registered as “LEENDERT” (SCH29) HM Snoeck Hague.
1970: Registered owner C. Th. Heyning Wassenaar.
1971: Registered as “BOY JAMIE” (FD224) Jimmy Hesketh Fleetwood.
1972: Registered as “BOY JAMIE” (BM224) Harry & Brian Trust BM and other New engine fitted, 214hp Baudouin.
1986: Registered owners Rogers & LF Beatty Brixham.
1994: Registered owner Norman Rogers Brixham.
1994: Scrapped.

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M.T. Boy Jamie FD224

M.T. Boy Jamie FD224
Picture courtesy of The Tony Cowell Collection

M.T. Boy Jamie FD224

M.T. Boy Jamie FD224
Picture from the Internet

04/02/2017: Page published.
07/02/2017: Information updated.
04/04/2019: Added an image.

M.T. Autumn Swallow – FD363

Historical information needed about this vessel. Please contact


Yard Number: 280
Gross Tonnage: 196
Net Tonnage: 62
Length: 107 ft
Breadth: 23 ft
Depth: 10 ft
Engine: 6-cyl 550bhp oil engine by Crossley Bros Ltd, Patricroft, Manchester


04.1961: Completed by Brooke Marine Ltd, Lowestoft (Yd.No.280) as CARLTON QUEEN.
05. 1971: Engine replaced with 6-cyl 900bhp/662kW oil engine made by British Polar Engines Ltd, Glasgow.
1976-1986: As WARBLER > DAWN WARBLER (Offshore platform standby vessel).
07.1986: Sold by Warbler Fishing Co Ltd as DAWN WARBLER offshore platform standby/safety vessel to Spanish interests for conversion to a great liner.
By 1991: Re-registered at Fleetwood (FD363).
By 1993: Renamed SEAHORSE M363. Searanger Ltd. (Anglo-Spanish company.)

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M.T. Autumn Swallow FD363

M.T. Autumn Swallow FD363

02/02/2017: Page published.

mfv Ideal – FD336

Additional information courtesy of Steven Brown


Gross Tonnage: 16
Net Tonnage: 16
Length: 38 ft
Engine: 74hp 4L3 oil engine by Gardner Engines Ltd, Patricroft, Manchester
Built: Denmark 1948


1949: Completed in Denmark for owners not identified.
1952: Sold to W. Thomson, Whitehaven. Fished as an anchor seiner. Registered at Whitehaven as CUMBERLAND (WA14).
By 31.08.1960: Sold to A. Duthie, Fraserburgh & others. Whitehaven registry closed. Registered at Fraserburgh as SERENITY (FR243).
By 31.07.1964: Fraserburgh registry closed. Registered at Peterhead as HARVESTER (PD405).
By 31.07.1970: Sold to Martin D. Gardner, Anstruther. Peterhead registry closed. Registered at Kirkcaldy (KY386).
1970: Sold to Associated Fisheries (Scotland) Ltd, Edinburgh. Registered at Kirkcaldy as PLOUGH (KY386).
1974: Registered at Kirkcaldy as PLOUGH II (KY386). At Oban rigged as a scallop dredger but employed as a prawn trawler.
08.1976: Sold to Kenneth P. Brown, Cleveleys (“Mick” Brown). Kirkcaldy registry closed. Registered at Fleetwood as IDEAL (FD336). Fitted for white fish trawling.
1979: Re-engined with 6LX 110bhp by Gardner Engines Ltd, Patricroft, Manchester.
07.1981: Sold to Melvyn Pearce & John P. McDonnagh (“Ginger John”), Fleetwood.
1982: Sold to Melvyn Pearce, Fleetwood.
01.1983: Sailed Fleetwood for fishing grounds, dense fog and No.5 buoy extinguished. Missed channel and struck Wyre Light, sprung planks port side, filled rapidly and foundered. Crew picked up by NAIOM UINSIONN (BS85) (Sk.Barry Hampson) and landed at Fleetwood. Attempts made to raise but settled in scour of the light and filled with sand. Masts and top of gantry cut off and abandoned. Occasionally shows above sand.

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mfv Harvester PD405

mfv Harvester PD405
Picture from the Internet

mfv Ideal FD386

mfv Ideal FD386
Picture from the Internet

mfv Ideal FD336

mfv Ideal FD336
Picture courtesy of The David Slinger Collection

16/01/2017: Page published.
22/01/2017: Added information.
22/01/2017: Added image and more information.
29/06/2020: Added an image.

mfv Suandra – FD257

Technical and historical information needed about this vessel. Please contact


Official Number: 362635
Tonnage: 35
Length: 64 ft
Depth: 9 ft


The SUANDRA was a 35gt wooden smack (crabber) built in Belgium?? and registered at Fleetwood.
23.06.1976: SUANDRA caught fire four miles off Cardigan Island (the gas cylinders in the hold also exploded). RAE Aberporth’s tug DOLWEN was able to attend and put the fire out. The SUANDRA was then towed to New Quay to assess the damage. The following Saturday, arsonists set fire the boat with the blaze being put out by the local fire brigade. It was eventually towed to the river Teifi and abandoned on the mud.

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mfv Suandra FD257

mfv Suandra FD257

13/01/2017: Page published.