Official Number: 187884
Yard Number: 1410
Completed: 1956
Gross Tonnage: 439
Net Tonnage: 155
Length: 139′ 8″
Breadth: 28′ 2″
Depth: 13′ 1″
Built: Cochrane & Sons Ltd, Selby, 1956
Engine: 1012bhp Mirrlees 8-cyl
Speed: 11 knots
1956: Built with the aid of a White fish authority grant. Insured for £146,000
1956: Completed by Cochrane & Sons Ltd, Selby for Dinas Steam Trawling Co Ltd, Fleetwood, as DINAS. Registered at Fleetwood (FD55).
06.1956: Lands her maiden trip in Fleetwood of 550 kits to gross £3,200 Skipper Colin Cross.
30.05.1959: Dinas Steam Fishing Co. Ltd bought by J Marr & Son Ltd.
19.6.1959: transferred to Hull.
20.6.1959: Sailed for Icelandic fishing grounds.
4.7.1959: At Hull lands 2,312 kits to gross £5,141. A British record landing by a middle water trawler.
14.2.1967: At Hull lands 632 kits from Icelandic trip. Transferred to Fleetwood.
15.5.1969: Fishing News report – Landings at Fleetwood from Icelandic grounds had been poor. The best landing had been the DINAS landing 1002 kits which consisted of 500 kits of cod, and 180 kits of haddock to gross £5,871. Skipper Frank Wilson.
19.6.1969: Returns from a 15 day Icelandic trip, landing 1,234 kits to gross £6,429. Skipper Frank Wilson.
24.4.1971: Sold to J.Marr & Son Ltd. Fleetwood.
17.9.1971: Sailed from Fleetwood for the Icelandic fishing grounds (Skipper David Geddes). When 30 miles out a Mayday was sent out saying she was on fire. 5 crewmen were killed Basil Spriggs, George Jones, Stanley Gray, Fred Brierley and Robert Campbell. The DINAS was towed back to Fleetwood by the STARELLA H219 which had also sailed on the same tide.
At the inquest it was found the fire was started deliberately and 3 men were given 5 year jail sentences each for manslaughter
11.1971. Returned to service after refit on the Clyde.
13.04.1973: Transferred to Aberdeen.
15.06.1973: Sold to J Marr (Aberdeen) Ltd (FD55).
21.1.1974: Fleetwood fishing registry closed, converted for use as an oil rig standby safety vessel.
04.1976: Sold to Albert Draper & Son Ltd Hull for breaking up following a collision.
12.08.1976: Commenced breaking at the Victoria Dock slipway.
A couple of men who sailed in the DINAS after her refit and said she was a very eerie ship and struggled to get crews this is why she was transferred to Aberdeen.
A local story is that when the DINAS was built supposedly a gold sovereign was placed under the foremast and when she was scrapped the gold sovereign was to be given to Marr’s superintendant engineer at Fleetwood Jimmy Meuse. When the mast was lifted there was no gold sovereign there. Fact or fiction?
Lost: Fred Brierley, Robert Campbell, Stanley M Gray, George Jones and Basil C Spriggs.
Click to enlarge images

M.T. Dinas FD55
Picture courtesy of The Phil Rogers Collection

M.T. Dinas FD55
Picture courtesy of The Fred Baker Collection

M.T. Dinas FD55
Picture courtesy of The David Slinger Collection

M.T. Dinas FD55
Picture courtesy of The David Slinger Collection

M.T. Dinas FD55
Picture courtesy of The Phil Rogers Collection

M.T. Dinas FD55
Picture courtesy of The David Slinger Collection

M.T. Dinas FD55
Picture courtesy of The David Slinger Collection

M.T. Dinas FD55
Picture courtesy of The David Slinger Collection

M.T. Dinas FD55
Picture courtesy of The David Slinger Collection

M.T. Dinas FD55
Picture courtesy of The Billy Worrall Collection
02/10/2016: Page re-published due to site problems.
14/08/2020: Added an image.
04/10/2020: Added an image.