mfv Ivy May FD134

Technical and historical information needed about this vessel. Please contact
Additional information courtesy of John Worthington


RSS No: B14139
MMSI: 235084726
Gross Tonnage: 21.02
Length: 13.20 m
Breadth: 11.90 m
Depth: 4.60 m
Built: Newbury Engineering Ltd, Newhaven
Engine: 290bhp oil engine by Gardner Engines Ltd, Patricroft, Manchester
Re-engined with 213bhp/290kW Caterpillar 33068


1994: Completed as a trawler by Newbury Engineering Ltd, Newhaven for Dennis Watts, Southwick, W. Sussex as REBECCAN.
2013: Sold to ??, ??. Registered at Colchester (CK134).
2016: Sold to B&M Fishing LLP, Fleetwood. Converted for whelking/shell fish and registered at Fleetwood as IVY MAY (FD134).
2018: Registered at Stornoway as KERISTUM (SY76).
2018: Registered at Fleetwood as IVY MAY (FD134).
200?: Re-engined with 213bhp/290kW Caterpillar 33068

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mfv Rebeccan PW406

mfv Rebeccan PW406
Picture from the Internet

mfv Ivy May FD134

mfv Ivy May FD134
Picture courtesy of The John Worthington Collection

mfv Keristum SY76

mfv Keristum SY76
Picture courtesy of The John Worthington Collection

mfv Ivy May FD134

mfv Ivy May FD134
Picture © Michael Thomas

26/01/2019: Page published.
27/01/2017: Information updated.