Technical and historical information needed about this vessel. Please contact
Additional information courtesy of John Worthington
RSS No: B14139
MMSI: 235084726
Gross Tonnage: 21.02
Length: 13.20 m
Breadth: 11.90 m
Depth: 4.60 m
Built: Newbury Engineering Ltd, Newhaven
Engine: 290bhp oil engine by Gardner Engines Ltd, Patricroft, Manchester
Re-engined with 213bhp/290kW Caterpillar 33068
1994: Completed as a trawler by Newbury Engineering Ltd, Newhaven for Dennis Watts, Southwick, W. Sussex as REBECCAN.
2013: Sold to ??, ??. Registered at Colchester (CK134).
2016: Sold to B&M Fishing LLP, Fleetwood. Converted for whelking/shell fish and registered at Fleetwood as IVY MAY (FD134).
2018: Registered at Stornoway as KERISTUM (SY76).
2018: Registered at Fleetwood as IVY MAY (FD134).
200?: Re-engined with 213bhp/290kW Caterpillar 33068
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26/01/2019: Page published.
27/01/2017: Information updated.