M.T. Craigievar A304


Official Number: ?
Yard Number: B510
Completed: 1959
Gross Tonnage: 50
Net Tonnage: 50
Length: 22.19 m
Breadth: 5.97 m
Depth: 2.53 m
Engine: Lister Blackstone EVSM4, 264 bhp
Built: 1959 by Fairmile Construction Co. Ltd, Berwick-upon-Tweed


1959: Built for Bon Accord Mutual Ship Stores Ltd, Aberdeen. Registered as CRAIGIEVAR A304
1960: Stranded at Fast Castle, near St Abb’s Head, in a storm. Refloated at high water, with little damage.
1970: Owners John N. Ward & Son Ltd, Fleetwood.
1976: Owners Charles J. S. Simmons, Scarborough & Others.
1983: Owner Jack Robinson, Hull.
19??: Ceased fishing and sold to Portsmouth owners for conversion as a diving support vessel.

Known alteration
Whaleback which was later removed and a new wheelhouse.

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M.T. Craigievar A304

M.T. Craigievar A304
Picture courtesy of The Phil Rogers Collection

M.T. Craigievar A304

M.T. Craigievar A304
Picture courtesy of The Graham Blair Collection

M.T. Craigievar A304

M.T. Craigievar A304
Picture from the Internet

2018: Page published again due to site problems.
22/09/2020: Added an image.