mfv Alant FD170

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Official Number: 162081
Gross Tonnage: 38
Net Tonnage: 19
Length: 53′ 5″
Breadth: 16′ 2″
Depth: 7′ 5″
Built: 1950, Buckie
Engine: Gardner, 115bhp
Owner: Thinnesen Family


1950: Built at Buckie for Thinnesens of Grimsby.
1954: Owners W. Dixon and H. Thinnesen, Whitehaven.
1970: Owner H. Thinnesen Ltd, Grimsby. Registered as ALANT WA12
1985: Owner in this year was Charlie Bird, Fleetwood. Registered as ALANT FD170. Skipper at this time was Cyril Clark.
1989’s: Fishing out of Shields.
Undated: Decommissioned at North Shields and turned into a pleasure /diving boat
Undated: Renamed the “Brendalison” ??

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mfv Alant FD170

mfv Alant FD170
Picture courtesy of The John Worthington Collection

mfv Alant FD170

mfv Alant FD170
Picture courtesy of The Dean Ledge Harrison Collection

mfv Alant FD170

mfv Alant FD170
Picture from the Internet

05/09/2017: Page published.
03/09/2022: Added an image.