M.T. Boston Trident – LT474


Official Number: 187224
Yard Number: S747
Completed: 1957
Gross Tonnage: 182
Net Tonnage: 61
Length: 102′ 2″(Loa)
Length: 100 ft
Breadth: 22′ 2″
Depth: 11 ft
Oil Engine: 2 stroke 6-cyl 400bhp by Crossley Bros Ltd, Manchester


1957: Launched by Henry Scarr Ltd, Hessle (Yd.No.S747) for Friarage Steam Fishing Co Ltd, Hartlepool as JOHN O’HEUGH,
7.1957: Completed (J. Graham & Sons Ltd, managers). Registered at Hartlepool (HL48). Fishing from Hull and then Lowestoft.
12.2.1962: On a North Sea trip in heavy seas, picked up 18 survivors from lifeboat from Hull motor vessel FOUNTAINS ABBEY (1197g/1954) abandoned on fire 76 miles E of Spurn Point while on passage Hamburg – Hull. Lifeboat drifted away before two dead crewmen* could be recovered.
1963: Sold along with the company to the Parkes family (Basil A. Parkes, manager).
1963: Registered to Pegasus Trawlers Ltd, Fleetwood (Basil A. Parkes, manager). Registered at Lowestoft as BOSTON TRIDENT (LT474). Continued to fish from Lowestoft.
1972: Sold to Safetyships Ltd, Aberdeen (Boston Group Holdings & The John Wood Group Ltd, Aberdeen). Summary conversion to offshore platform standby safety role (John Brown & Sons (Aberdeen) Ltd, managers). Lowestoft registry closed. Registered at Aberdeen as CARBISDALE.
1978: Sold to George Craig & Sons Ltd, Aberdeen.
1.1979: Sold to H. Kitson Vickers & Sons (Engineers) Ltd, Sheffield for breaking up at Blyth.

(* Deceased crew – James Cleary, Bosun and William Gilmartin, Motorman)

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M.T. John O'Heugh HL48

M.T. John O’Heugh HL48
Picture courtesy of The Hans Van Hage Collection

M.T. John O' Heugh HL48

M.T. John O’ Heugh LT474
Picture courtesy of James Cullen

M.T. Carbisdale LT474

M.T. Carbisdale LT474
Picture courtesy of John Clarkson

11/11/2016: Page re-published due to site problems.
02/05/2017: Removed FMHT watermark and added image.