M.T. Boston Halifax – GY321


Official Number: 364903
Yard Number: 584
Completed: 1975
Gross Tonnage: 387
Length: 124 ft
Built: Goole Shipbuilding and Repairing Ltd, Goole


1975: Launched by Goole Shipbuilding and Repairing Ltd, Goole, (Yd. No. 584) for Boston Deep Sea Fisheries Ltd, Grimsby, as BOSTON HALIFAX. Registered at Grimsby (GY321).
1975: Fished the West Coast grounds from Fleetwood. Fitted for pair trawling. Returned to Grimsby and fished the Arctic grounds from there.
1978: Transferred to Lowestoft.
1985: Registered as LO339.
1986: Sold to Danish owners as DROT.
1990: Returned to UK ownership (George Craig & Sons Ltd, Aberdeen) and renamed GRAMPIAN DEE and converted to a safety vessel.
2007: Sold ?
2009: As FENDERCARE INDEPENDENCE LO336, Fendercare Marine Ltd, Norwich under Sierra Leone flag.

Click to enlarge images

M.T. Boston Halifax LO339

M.T. Boston Halifax GY321
Picture courtesy of The Frank Pook Collection

M.T. Boston Halifax GY321

M.T. Boston Halifax LO339
Picture courtesy of The Frank Pook Collection

M.T. Boston Halifax LO339

M.T. Boston Halifax LO339
Picture courtesy of The Frank Pook Collection

M.V. Grampian Dee

M.V. Grampian Dee
Picture from the Internet

M.T. Drot E130

M.T. Drot E130
Picture courtesy of The Frank Pook Collection

M.V. Fendercare Independence

M.V. Fendercare Independence
Picture courtesy of The Fred Baker Collection

25/10/2016: Page re-published due to site problems.
15/05/2017: Added image and removed FMHT watermarks.
31/12/2018: Added two images.