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Under 10m.
RSS No.C16834.
Gross Tonnage: 18.075
Length: 9.99 metres
Engine: 6-cyl 153hp/119kW oil engine by Doosan Engine Co Ltd, South Korea
10.1999: Completed by Steel Kit Ltd, Aberystwyth to an S.C.McAlister & Co Ltd design for ??, ?? as TWO BOYS.
19.10.1999: Registered at Fleetwood (FD503).
2002: Sold to ??, ??. Fleetwood registry closed.
29.01.2003: Registered at Ullapool as VALKYRIE (UL100). Converted for prawn trawling. Later fishing out of Pittenweem.
200?: Shelterdeck fitted.
03.2011: Re-cycled at Fraserburgh having been accepted for the Fisheries Decommissioning Scheme.
14.03.2011: Ullapool registry closed.
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25/12/2016: Page published.
26/12/2016: Information and pictures added.